Registered areas in Kulbus locality, west Darfur declared free of explosive remnants of war

UNAMID and the Government of Sudan (GoS) on 10 December 2018 officially declared the registered contaminated areas at Kulbus Locality, West Darfur, free of Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) and Unexploded Ordnance (UXO).

This followed the successful implementation of a project to clear the land of ERW and UXO, in line with UNAMID’s mandate to protect civilians. It is the third project of this nature, with the other two having been conducted in Forobaranga and Krinik localities, also in West Darfur.

To mark the achievement, UNAMID’s Ordinance Disposal Office (ODO) and the National Mine Action Centre (NMAC), hosted a celebration and launched a pilot survey aimed at ensuring the area is kept free of residual ERW and UXO. Thousands of people from across Kulbus Locality attended the celebration and welcomed the launch of the pilot survey.

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Source: Reliefweb