Explosion that was heard across Manchester was caused by a nail bomb

A bomb which exploded outside a café was packed with nails and screws.

It was left under the shutters of The Lounge in Pendleton, Salford, earlier this week.

It damaged the shutters, canopy, windows and pavement outside the cafe.

The bang was heard across Greater Manchester at around 12.30am on Tuesday.

Police said the nature of the device is still the subject of forensic examination.

A source said: ‘It was packed full of nails and screws and forensics have been pulling them all out of the woodwork.’

Another person close to the investigation confirmed nails were in the device.

The explosion came after a car was blown up with an industrial style firework in Eccles, also in Greater Manchester, three days earlier.

Bomb disposal units were dispatched to both scenes and police believe the incidents could be linked.

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Source: Mail Online