3rd C-IED Technology Workshop, C-IED Centre of Excellence, 24-26 October 2017, Madrid Spain

NATO organizations, Partnership for Peace (PfP) members, Resolute Support Mission (RSM) contributing nations, multinational headquarters, international organizations, nations, industry and academia are kindly informed that the 3rd C-IED Technology Workshop (Tech-WS) will be conducted in Madrid, Spain, from 24 to 26 October 2017.

The aim of the Tech-WS is to provide the C-IED community of interest an in-depth overview of the latest technologies supportive to C-IED (with a special focus in Attack the Networks pillar). It is an ideal environment for defining end-user requirements as well as exchanging information and gaining knowledge on the tools being developed to face the evolving threat from IEDs and Threat Networks. In summary, the Tech-WS aims to enhance cooperation into the multinational C-IED community.

AII contacts from industry & academia aiming to participate, present developed technologies, and/or market products should e-mail ciedtechws@ciedcoe.org. Please include “(Industry)” or “(Academia)” in the subject of your message.

Should you have any questions, please contact the C-IED Centre of Excellence: Defeat the Device Branch, e-mail ciedtechws@ciedcoe.org, phone +34 91 856 1036.

Original copy of the calling letter can be found here.

Register here.