Ukraine: Russia Uses Banned Antipersonnel Landmines

Russian forces fighting in Ukraine have used banned antipersonnel mines in the eastern Kharkiv region, Human Rights Watch said today.

The antipersonnel mines were located by Ukrainian explosive ordnance disposal technicians on March 28, 2022. Russia is known to possess these newly deployed landmines, which can indiscriminately kill and maim people within an apparent 16-meter range. Ukraine does not possess this type of landmine or its delivery system.

“Countries around the world should forcefully condemn Russia’s use of banned antipersonnel landmines in Ukraine,” said Steve Goose, the arms director of Human Rights Watch.

The 1997 international Mine Ban Treaty comprehensively bans the use, production, stockpiling, and transfer of antipersonnel mines. Russia is not among the 164 countries that have joined the treaty.

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Source: Human Rights Watch