The command chief warrant officer for the U.S. Department of Defense’s premier Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives (CBRNE) command was promoted to chief warrant officer 4 on Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, Nov. 15.
Chief Warrant Officer 4 Victoria RamageGarcia pinned on her current rank during a widely attended ceremony at the 20th CBRNE Command Headquarters. Brig. Gen. W Bochat, the commanding general of the 20th CBRNE Command, hosted the promotion ceremony. A native of Pioneer, California, RamageGarcia has served in the U.S. Army for almost 20 years.
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Source: U.S. Army
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- Department of Justice: ISIS Sympathizer Arrested in Cranford, Plotting the “Next 9/11” with Two Accomplices
October 8, 2017
The Department of Justice released details of a thwarted terror plot to attack New York City during the summer of 2016 on Friday. Three men, who were arrested in 2016 and 2017, planned to detonate bombs in Times Square and the New York City subway system and shoot civilians at concert venues in support of ISIS, ...
- Metro Transit Police to receive radiation detectors in face of ‘dirty bomb’ threat
September 26, 2017
If anyone tried to deploy a “dirty bomb” or other radiological weapon in the D.C. region, Metro Transit Police officers might be the first line of defense, and Thursday, the Metro Board is expected to formally accept radiation detection devices purchased for each member of the police department. The transit police officers play a critical role ...
- The Ongoing Challenge of Irregular Warfare
August 12, 2017
The range of irregular warfare challenges faced by the United States in the future will be extensive (e.g. non-state actors – terrorists, violent extremist organizations, drug traffickers – and state actors that adopt asymmetric tactics to negate U.S. military power – Iran, North Korea, and Russia). Currently, defeating the “hybridized” threat of the Islamic State ...
- Explosive ordnance experts thrive on training, not drama
August 10, 2017
Hollywood has taken a few liberties with the career field of Senior Airman Joshua Holbrook. He’s an Air Force explosive ordnance expert, part of a select group of airmen who serve as the bomb squad. High drama will ensue when someone like Hollbrook stares down an improvised explosive device with the clock ticking, especially if he’s ...
- US vows to press ahead with Iraq bomb clearance despite criticism
August 10, 2017
A State Department review that faulted the agency for failing to comply with its own policies for overseeing bomb disposal grants in Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan will not impact ongoing efforts to remove improvised explosive devices (IEDs) left behind by the Islamic State (IS), officials say. Released Aug. 9, the report from the Office of the Inspector General found that ...
- FBI: Mosque Blast in Minnesota Caused by Improvised Explosive
August 6, 2017
An explosion Saturday in a Minnesota mosque was caused by an improvised explosive device, an FBI official said. No one was injured in the blast at the Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in the city of Bloomington. Rick Thornton, the FBI’s special agent in charge of the investigation, told reporters, “At this point, our focus is to determine ...
- Langley AFB to host bomb squad training exercise
August 4, 2017
Langley Air Force Base will host a training exercise for explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) experts on August 7. The exercise, Operation Llama Fury 3.0, will last until August 11, and will train EODs from bomb squads at eight east coast Air Force bases. “The EOD mission is to neutralize whatever explosive threat presents itself and endangers lives,” ...
- State Troopers Find Explosives, Guns & Drugs at Columbus Residence
August 4, 2017
The Indiana State Police made an “explosive” discovery at home in Columbus Thursday afternoon. State troopers found not only a meth lab and a marijuana growing operation, but also eight improvised explosive devices and seventy-five. Due to the presence of so many explosives and firearms, ATF officers were dispatched to assist in the investigation. Troopers also discovered approximately ...
- Raven’s Challenge Exercise Promotes Interoperability
August 3, 2017
“Help, I’ve got a bomb strapped to me!” the hostage yelled to the explosive ordnance disposal technician as he gingerly stepped over a booby-trapped victim to approach the hostage on the stairs. This is just one of the many realistic scenarios U.S. and Belgian service members and federal, state and local public safety bomb squads face ...
- US, Pakistan service members share post-blast analysis information
August 2, 2017
SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. – Supporting one of U.S. Army Central’s commanding general’s priorities, explosive ordnance disposal experts from the 20th Fighter Wing, Pakistan army and USARCENT met to exchange information on Shaw Air Force Base July 25-26. The EOD theater security cooperation exchange focused on post-blast analysis and contributed to the overall goal of ...
- FBI releases ‘unusual’ analysis of pipe bomb found in man’s apartment after Bixby Air Force recruiting office bombing
July 20, 2017
An unexploded pipe bomb found in the apartment of a man jailed in connection with the bombing of a Bixby military recruiting office had unusual features, according to court records. A preliminary Federal Bureau of Investigation analysis of one of two unexploded improvised explosive devices found in Benjamin Roden’s south Tulsa apartment determined the device utilized ...
- US Homeland Sec boss has snazzy new laptop bomb scanning tech – but admits he doesn’t know what it’s called
July 20, 2017
Flying into America? Don’t worry about that crackdown on laptops and similar gear in your carry-on luggage. It’s no longer happening. No, instead, the US has something else up its sleeve. New screening technology in airports will sniff out any bombs in your IT kit. So says Homeland Security boss John Kelly has, although he doesn’t ...
- DHS Chief: U.S. Tested Prototype Terrorist Bombs Before Implementing New Aviation Security Rules
July 19, 2017
The U.S. government tested two prototype bombs, based on new terrorist technology, to determine that they could take down a passenger jet before implementing new cabin rules on electronic devices, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly told NBC News’ Pete Williams Wednesday night “We tested it on a real airplane on the ground, pressurized, and to say ...
- U.S. Policies and Actions Aim to Counter Improvised Explosive Device Threats
July 17, 2017
Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) pose a significant threat to communities across the globe. Recent domestic incidents involving IEDs include the Boston Marathon bombings, San Bernardino attack, New York/New Jersey bombings, and numerous attacks in Europe, most notably the recent bombings in Paris, Brussels, and Manchester. Around the world, IEDs are increasingly joining landmines and unexploded ...
- U.S. issues revised security directive to airlines worldwide
July 14, 2017
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has issued a revised directive to airlines around the world in response to requests that it clarify aviation security measures scheduled to begin taking effect next week, the agency said on Friday. “This clarifying update will strengthen global aviation security and is a testament to our shared commitment to raising ...
- Explosion outside US Air Force recruiting office under investigation
July 11, 2017
Local and federal authorities are investigating an explosion at a US Air Force recruiting office in Bixby, Oklahoma. Bomb squads from Bixby and Tulsa police responded around 10:30 p.m. local time Monday to the reported explosion, near Tulsa, Bixby Police Sgt. Tim Scrivner told reporters. The FBI and ATF are on scene and investigating the cause of ...
- A new device to help train sniffer dogs
July 6, 2017
When it comes to finding hidden explosives, the self-propelled detection system known as a sniffer dog has no equal. But sniffer dogs have to be trained, and that is a delicate process. In particular, the trace levels of explosive vapour involved are so low (because dogs’ noses are so sensitive) that accidental contamination of supposedly residue-free ...
- Screeners at Minneapolis airport are reported to have a 94% failure rate
July 5, 2017
TWO more airports have joined Abu Dhabi in having a laptop ban lifted. On July 5th passengers flying from Dubai or Istanbul to America were told that they will once more be allowed to take large electronic devices into plane cabins, rather than having to stow them in the hold, which they have been required to ...
- Unmanned Systems the New Weapon for Terrorists
July 1, 2017
JIDO fears that improvised threat devices may be the latest drone delivery packages. Long a tool of allies trying to foil improvised explosive devices, unmanned systems now may be entering the fray against friendly forces. Both terrorists and nation-states are striving to employ these systems, especially airborne platforms, to deploy new types of improvised threats against ...
- Ceremony Recognizes EOD Warfighter Mission, History, Technology, Achievements, Family
June 30, 2017
Naval Surface Warfare Division Indian Head EOD Technology Division’s EOD Department and Expeditionary Exploitation Unit 1 celebrated the EOD mission, history, technology, achievements and family in a dedication ceremony and family day at Naval Support Facility Indian Head’s Stump Neck Annex, June 16. The event recognized both those who have provided – and those who continue ...
- Large–Scale Vehicle–Borne Improvised Explosive Device Testing
June 29, 2017
In July of 2016, a refrigerator truck packed with explosives detonated next to a crowded apartment block in Baghdad’s Karrada neighborhood. The blast killed 323 people and was one of the worst Vehicle–Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED also known as car bombs) attacks ever recorded. On May 30, 2017, a VBIED in a tanker truck ...
- SPMAGTF-CR-AF EOD Marines and Spanish EOD Soldiers Train with Explosive Ordnance
June 28, 2017
Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force-Crisis Response-Africa explosive ordnance disposal Marines conducted bilateral explosives training with EOD members of the Spanish Second Air Support Deployment Squadron (SEADA) at Morón Air Base, Spain, June 20, 2017. The single detonation that was demonstrated was approximately four pounds of Spanish dynamite, along with solid-based propellants, and Spanish C-4, placed ...