Suspect arrested in Slovakia for spreading hate speech and 3D printed weapons manuals

An investigation by the Slovak National Crime Agency (Národná kriminálna agentúra/NAKA), the Slovak Military Intelligence (Vojenské spravodajstvo), the Slovak Police (Príslušníci / PZ SR), supported by the Czech National Organized Crime Agency (Národní centrála proti organizovanému zločinu/NCOZ), the US FBI, Europol and Eurojust, led to the arrest of a dangerous right-wing extremist. The individual, known in the international far-right cyberspace, is suspected of spreading extremist hate speech and terrorist activities. Linked to groups and individuals spreading neo-Nazi, far-right and white supremacist extremist propaganda, he is part of the so-called Siege extremist movement. This online extremist community is connected online, though simultaneously grounded in ‘offline action’. The followers of the Siege movement share a philosophical and political orientation, as well as a spiritual outlook dominated by hatred and anchored in fascist ideology.

The suspect allegedly published instructions and diagrams for manufacturing improvised cold weapons, home-produced automatic firearms, explosives and mines, and instructions for sabotage attacks. The instructions include the domestic production of automatic firearms manufactured in combination with 3D-printable parts and home-made metal parts.

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Source: Europol