Colombian Military Forces Find Hundreds of Antipersonnel Mines

A joint operation between Colombia’s National Army, Navy, and National Police uncovered 444 buried mines in the southern department of Putumayo. The mines, made with 84 kilograms of ANFO (ammonium nitrate and fuel oil) explosives, were wrapped in plastic bags to protect them from moisture.

“The discovery, made in early October, is the largest to date by the Navy in the southern part of Colombia. Over the course of 2017, 731 mines and 11,707 kilograms of explosives were found,” Marine Corps Colonel Ricardo Alberto Suárez Rátiva, commander of the Colombian National Navy’s 3rd Marine Battalion, told Diálogo. “These results fall within the framework of the Strategic Consolidation and Stabilization Plan Victoria, implemented through jointly coordinated units.”

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Source: Dialogo