Afghanistan: Afghan National Army discovered Taliban’s tunnel in Kunduz province, defused 20 IEDs in Saheb district

Afghan National Army discovered and defused a Taliban’s tunnel in Imam Saheb district of Kundoz province, last night. The tunnel was excavated under civilians houses for terrorists activities by Taliban. Additionally, 6 villages were cleared off from TB and 20 IEDs were defused in the district.

56 IEDs which were placed by Taliban on public roads in Gizab district of Urzgan province, were discovered and defused by ANA, yesterday. Lives of tens of civilians were saved as a result.

On 16 January 2021 Afghan national Army prevented Taliban’s car bomb attack in Daman district of Kandahar province today. The car which was loaded with explosive was targeted before it could attack ANDSF base. 4 suicide attackers were killed as a result.

Source: Ministry Of Defense of Afghanistan/Twitter